Free up your time with automations

We have built flow to take care of repetitive tasks on EposNow reliably and automatically.  Ready to use templates make it easy to get started in minutes.

Slynk Flow Eposnow


Create flows to run tasks on a schedule automatically or on-demand via our dashboard

  • Run automatically

    You can set a schedule for when your flow should run automatically. Choose from hourly, daily, weekly and monthly options. You can choose the day of the week and hour that the flow should run in your timezone.

  • Run on demand

    Run your flow on demand via our dashboard when needed. Ideal for bulk tasks that you only need to run from time to time.

  • Fetch the data

    Flow can fetch data from Epos Now via the API ready for processing. This includes fetching any related data that you specify, for example, if you are working with order data, it can fetch the customers, locations, location areas, products, suppliers and any other data that is related to the order.

  • Filter the data

    You can use filters for smart targeting so that actions are only applied to data that matches your filters. For example, only perform the actions on orders where the order value is greater than 100, is in the last 30 days at any location within the specified location areas. 

  • Text operations

    For any text fields, you can apply text operations to them such as changing to upper case, lower case, sentence case and camel case. You can also add prefixes and suffixes. If you need to replace some text, that is possible too. Use these in combination on the same field for more complex operations. For example, change the product name to sentence case, add a prefix, and then replace 'abc' with 'xyz'

  • Numerical operations

    For any numeric fields, you can perform mathematical operations such as add/subtract, add/subtract percentages with more operations being added all the time. You can use these in combination on the same field to perform more complex calculations, for example subtract 5 and then add 10%.

  • Date operations

    For any date and time fields, you can set to a specific date, or add/subtract days or months from the date that is currently set.

  • Dropdown operations

    For certain fields in Epos Now, you can only set a pre-defined value. For example, you can only select a valid category for a product. In this example, with flow, you can select the category that should be set for the product from a searchable dropdown list of categories.

  • Update the data

    Once all the actions have been applied to the records that pass the filters, these can then be updated on Epos Now via the API.

  • Export the data

    Alternatively, you may choose to export the records into a file. This is very useful for backups and also for integrating with other platforms. This can be downloaded as a CSV file and we will be adding more formats such as JSON and XML to this soon. You can choose to have each record in it's own file, or have them all in one file.

Use Cases

Flow is built to be flexible and customisable and has many use cases. The most common ones are listed here.

  • Repetitive tasks

    Are there any tasks that you need to perform on the back office regularly? These are ideal candidates for automation to free up your time and to ensure they run reliably and on time

  • Bulk updates

    Create flows to update data in bulk. With our smart filtering, you can target the data that matches your filters and specify the updates that should apply. For example, update the cost prices by 5% of all products for selected suppliers that are in the specified categories only.

  • Data exports + backups

    Export data from EposNow according to your specifications. You can select which data should be exported including related data. For example, export orders from the last 30 days in completed status and include the customer data in the export.

  • Integrate with other platforms

    Export the data from EposNow in a format that matches the import profile for your other platforms. You can choose the data fields to export, specify the headings (field names) and even transform the data so that the output is ready to import into your other platforms.

Works with

Flow understands the structure and relationships of Epos Now data making it easy for you to tell it what you want it to do without needing to understand all the underlying data. 

  • Products & Categories

    Products and all the related data such as categories, suppliers, brands are available

  • Orders

    Orders and related data such as locations, location areas, devices, products, customers, staff and many more are available for use

  • Customers & Customer Types

    Customers and related data such as sign up locations, location areas, loyalty points, credit balances and much more are available

  • Locations & Location Areas

    Locations and location areas along with related data such as devices and more are available

  • Suppliers & Brands

    Suppliers and brands along with their related data are available

  • Staff

    Staff data is also available

  • More coming soon

    We are continually adding new data types so if you can't see what you need, just get in touch and we can see what we can do.

Our happy clients

free up their time for high value tasksreduce human errorrun tasks automatically and reliably

"An absolutely first class experience to date, dealing with the guys at Slynk Digital. Nothing has been too much trouble and answering the most stupid of questions from me, has been done quickly and without hesitation. I can thoroughly recommend them to anyone who is in need of their services."

Shaun Smith
Elite Tiling

"Gurdeep and the team are a breath of fresh air, they know their stuff, explain everything clearly and are just really nice. Thank you!"

Vanessa Hendra
G. J. Hendra Ltd

"First of all, what a great product, it does exactly what it says on the tin. The user experience is also super easy. The support team are always an email away and always respond in great time. Lastly all the guys are very friendly, helpful and patient. Thank you !!"

Adam Clarke
Adams Fruits

"Exceptional product and support. The team are always happy to help and have recently written and applied functionality specifically at our request which will help us with other areas we are integrating. I can’t recommend the product and the team enough - well deserved 5 stars"

Stefan Fletcher
UK Airsoft
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