Export Epos Now purchase order items
purchase_orders Available
This is a blank template where you can add filters and actions as needed to build you own custom flow. We have a large selection of filters and actions that can be applied in any sequence you like.
This flow template gives you a good starting point and you can customise it as needed.
We’d love to hear about what you want to automate and can advise on how to use flow to meet your requirements.
Send us an enquiry or
book in a call, whatever suits you best.
When this happens…
Run automatically or manually
You can run this flow automatically on a schedule, for example every weekday at midnight, or choose to run it manually via our dashboard when you need it.
Get the data …
Fetch the purchase order items
The flow will fetch all purchase order items from your Epos Now account ready for filtering
Apply filters…
Target the purchase orders that match your filters
You can specify which purchase order items this flow applies to. Works well with filters by location or location area.
See the customisations section later on this page for a full list of available filters.
Then do this…
Export the purchase order items
This is where you can specify what you want to export. Add as many columns as you like and you can even chain together actions for the same field.
See the customisations section later on this page for a full list of available actions.
This template can be easily customised by changing the triggers, filters and actions
Learn more
Triggers are the events that start the flow.
For example, run at 6pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Set your flow to run automatically at a specific time or interval. Choose from monthly, weekly, daily or hourly.
Manual Run
Run your flow manually using our dashboard. This is useful for testing your flow or running it on demand.
Filters allow you to apply the actions only to the objects that pass the filter criteria you specify.
For example, filter by the customer type or where the customer name contains certain characters.
Category Reporting Category
Location Area Description
Location Area Email Address
Location Bar Tab Spend Limit
Location Decimal Separator
Location Long Time Format
Location No Of Top Sellers
Location Number Of Bar Tabs
Location Predefined Locale Settings
Location Short Time Format
Product CostPriceTaxGroup
Product EatOutPriceTaxGroup
Product ExcludeFromLoyaltyPointsGain
Product IsCostPriceIncTax
Product IsEatOutPriceIncTax
Product IsMultipleChoiceProductOptional
Product IsSalePriceIncTax
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceUnit
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceFactor
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceMeasurementUnitVolume
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceMeasurementSchemeItemId
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceUnit
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceFactor
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceMeasurementUnitVolume
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceMeasurementSchemeItemId
Product MultipleChoiceNote
Product Detailed Description
Product SalePriceTaxGroup
Purchase Order Completed Date
Purchase Order Expected Delivery Date
Purchase Order Ordered Date
Purchase Order Warehouse Id
Purchase Order Item Cost Price
Purchase Order From Date (Filter)
Purchase Order Item Product Id
Purchase Order Items PO Id
Purchase Order Item Qty Ordered
Purchase Order Item Qty Received
Purchase Order To Date (Filter)
Actions allow you to make changes to the objects that pass the filter checks.
For example, set the customer balance to 10 or add 20% to the existing balance.
Purchase Order Completed Date
Purchase Order Expected Delivery Date
Purchase Order Ordered Date
Purchase Order Warehouse Id
Purchase Order Item Cost Price
Purchase Order Item Product Id
Purchase Order Items PO Id
Purchase Order Item Qty Ordered
Purchase Order Item Qty Received
Product CostPriceTaxGroup
Product EatOutPriceTaxGroup
Product ExcludeFromLoyaltyPointsGain
Product IsCostPriceIncTax
Product IsEatOutPriceIncTax
Product IsMultipleChoiceProductOptional
Product IsSalePriceIncTax
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceUnit
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceFactor
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceMeasurementUnitVolume
Product MeasurementDetails CostPriceMeasurementSchemeItemId
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceUnit
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceFactor
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceMeasurementUnitVolume
Product MeasurementDetails SalePriceMeasurementSchemeItemId
Product MultipleChoiceNote
Product Detailed Description
Product SalePriceTaxGroup
Location Bar Tab Spend Limit
Location Decimal Separator
Location Long Time Format
Location No Of Top Sellers
Location Number Of Bar Tabs
Location Predefined Locale Settings
Location Short Time Format