Smart product updates in bulk

Effortlessly streamline your inventory management with Flow. Update products in bulk, apply smart filters for precise targeting, and automate complex actions to enhance your Epos Now data, all in a few clicks.

Flow Menu Scheduler

See it in action

Check out our demo video to see how easy it is to bulk update products in Epos Now with smart targeting using Flow.

Simplify your operations and focus on delivering exceptional service!

How it works

You can setup flows in simple steps to update products in Epos Now in bulk

  • Smart filtering

    Start by applying smart filters to pinpoint the exact products you want to update. Whether you’re filtering by category, price, supplier or brand (plus many more), Flow makes it simple to target the right items, so you can make changes only where they’re needed.

  • Specify what to update

    After filtering your products, select the fields you want to update, like pricing, descriptions, or any other product data. For more complex operations, you can chain multiple actions together - updating several fields in sequence or applying different changes to the same field - to create powerful, automated workflows that keep your Epos Now data accurate and consistent.

  • Run the flow!

    With your filters and updates set, it's time to run the flow and Flow will apply all your changes automatically. Watch as your updates roll out across your Epos Now system, streamlining your product management with just a few clicks.

What do I need?

We have listed out what you need to get started with setting this up

  • Epos Now

    You will need an Epos Now account to sell in-store

  • Slynk Flow

    You will need Flow to specify and run the smart updates

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