Auto-Clear Old Held Orders in Epos Now

Automatically remove held transactions older than a set number of days, keeping your Epos Now system clean and free of unnecessary data that slows down operations.

Flow Menu Scheduler

See it in action

Watch our demo to see how Flow auto-clears old held transactions in Epos Now, keeping your system clean and fast.

Streamline your till operations and ensure a faster, smoother checkout experience!

How it works

You can setup flows in simple steps to auto delete old transactions in held status

  • Fetch transactions

    Start by selecting the date range for the orders you want to fetch. You can choose a specific date, like January 1st, or set a dynamic range, such as 180 days before today. This ensures you're working with the right transactions before applying any filters.

  • Smart filtering

    Next, apply smart filters to refine your data. Choose the order statuses you want to target, such as held or ordered, and set the age of the orders, for example, older than 30 days.

  • Schedule the Flow

    Finally, set when you want the flow to run automatically. Choose a time, such as every day at 2 a.m., to ensure your held transactions are cleared regularly without manual intervention.

What do I need?

We have listed out what you need to get started with setting this up

  • Epos Now

    You will need an Epos Now account to sell in-store

  • Slynk Flow

    You will need Flow to specify and run the automations to clear out the old orders

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